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Tips for Editing with PerfectIt
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Tips for Editing with PerfectIt
I've installed PerfectIt. How do I start it?
Can I edit my document while I run PerfectIt?
Can I make PerfectIt run faster?
Can I run PerfectIt to the right or bottom of the screen?
Do I still need to run spell and grammar check?
Does PerfectIt check reference lists?
Does PerfectIt work with 'Track Changes'?
Does PerfectIt work with British, American, Canadian or Australian English?
Does PerfectIt work with languages other than English?
How do I use PerfectIt to enforce my company's style guide?
I have a different file for each chapter of a book; can PerfectIt check the whole book?
I synchronize my desktop and laptop. How can I include my PerfectIt style sheets?
If PerfectIt finds a possible error, how many locations will it point to?
In the locations box, I see the words 'Fixed', 'Changed' or 'No error found'; what do they mean?
Is it possible to use PerfectIt on PDFs?
Is PerfectIt available for OpenOffice or Google Docs?
Is there a way to back up all of my style sheets?
There is a section of my document that I don't want to check; can PerfectIt skip sections?
What type of documents does PerfectIt work with?
When should I use PerfectIt?
Why can't I see revisions and 'tracked changes' when PerfectIt is running?
Why did PerfectIt miss one instance of an error but find all of the others?
Why do errors come up on abbreviations when my document already has a Table of Abbreviations in it?
Why is the fix button disabled or missing?
Does PerfectIt Cloud work with 'Track Changes'?
How can I set PerfectIt to check footnotes?
Why does PerfectIt skip some of the numbers in my document?
How do I turn on PerfectIt's legal checking?
How do I share my PerfectIt style with my organization?
Can I use the keyboard with PerfectIt?
What are the shortcuts for PerfectIt in keyboard mode?
In PerfectIt I noticed there are two versions of my style, one with (Old) next to it. What is the difference between these two versions?
How do I turn on Chicago Style in PerfectIt?
Does PerfectIt support other styles such as AMA, APA, AP, etc.?
What will I miss if I don't want to update to PerfectIt 5?