Affinity Discounts

We support professional associations and believe that they offer valuable services to their members and industries. We are proud to work with professional associations to provide discounts for PerfectIt.

Claiming Your Member Discount

If you purchase PerfectIt through any of the following associations, you will pay just $49 per year for a single user. Click your association's name to log in and use the secure member links.

If you have any question about the discounts, please contact your member benefits coordinator. All member discounts must be coordinated through your organization’s official channels.

Arranging Member Discounts

If we do not yet offer a member discount through your professional association, editing society or bar association, please ask the member benefits coordinator to contact us. Please note that we do not offer commissions or pay to participate in discount programs, but we are happy to offer discounts to your members through an affinity agreement.

Education and Nonprofit Discounts

We offer discounted pricing for nonprofits and educational institutions that purchase five or more licenses. Please contact us for details.