PerfectIt usually works on the entire body text of a document, not just selected sections. However, there are options for skipping sections.
If you want to run PerfectIt 5 on a selection, you can do this by selecting the section you want to check and then running PerfectIt. PerfectIt 5 also has options for ignoring certain sections of text. This can improve the accuracy of potential errors that PerfectIt finds and it can speed up reviewing work. To review the options for ignoring sections of text, click 'Sections to Skip' from the PerfectIt toolbar or ribbon. This gives options to ignore results in:
In addition, there are two other ways that you can skip sections of text in PerfectIt 5. You can hide the text you do not want to check by setting its font to 'Hidden'. And you can mark sections in the text you do want to check by inserting a bookmark at the start of each section called "PSTART" and one at the end called "PEND".
To skip a section in PerfectIt Cloud, choose to hide the text. More options for skipping sections are coming soon.