Can I run PerfectIt to the right or bottom of the screen?

PerfectIt 5

PerfectIt opens docked to the left of MS Word by default. However, it can also be run on the right or the bottom. To change the location, drag the top bar of PerfectIt (i.e. where it is labelled 'PerfectIt 5'). To dock PerfectIt to the right, drag it all the way to the right side of the screen and drop it in the vertical middle. To dock PerfectIt to the bottom, drag all the way to the bottom of the screen and drop it in the horizontal middle.

PerfectIt Cloud

PerfectIt Cloud opens docked to the right of MS Word. It can also be run to the left of the Word Window by dragging the grey frame above PerfectIt to the left side of Word. In addition, it can be detached from either side. However, it cannot be run from the bottom of the Word Window.